Curriculum Overview
Our curriculum: (Intent)
- is sequenced to enable pupils to build their knowledge and skills over time
- provides deep, sustained and valuable learning for all pupils, including those with SEND
- provides opportunities to develop levels of literacy and numeracy across all curricular areas
- promotes opportunities across the curriculum for the development of good student health and well being
- recognises the importance of digital literacy and provides opportunities for the development of
- the skills pupils need to function safely and responsibly in a technological world
- provides a range of academic, technical and vocational courses which challenge, engage and motivate pupils
- develops cultural capital across a wide range of contexts and experiences
- ensures that all pupils make good progress irrespective of their starting point and those young people facing disadvantage are lifted from educational poverty
We recognise that to provide our young people with rich learning experiences in a range of contexts it is crucial to work in partnerships with others. Expertise often lies beyond the school and learning opportunities are regularly planned with partner organisations including, statutory and voluntary organisations as well as employers and charitable organisations.
Curriculum Offer
We have a well-constructed curriculum, tailored to meet the needs of our learners and address social disadvantage on many levels. Our curriculum offer is adapted to meet individual needs where appropriate and therefore offers a range of pathways, which we believe broaden rather than narrow the offer at different points during the five-year journey. This is essential to overcome social disadvantage and remove the barriers our young people face.
At The Laurel Academy we follow a 3 year Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) and then a 2 year Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). At the end of Year 9, students opt for subjects that they will study in Years 10 and 11 and they complete those subjects by the end of Year 11. We offer a wide range of both subjects and qualifications which will cater for all needs from creative and technical qualifications to more academic and health related courses. Students will follow a course that best suits their abilities and could include: GCSEs, BTEC and Cambridge National or Technical certificates. Students opt for either Geography, History or a language, with some students studying two of these, where appropriate. We design our curriculum around each individual child and it is, therefore, a bespoke curriculum.
In Years 7 to 9 students follow a core curriculum of English, Mathematics and Science. They also study, History, Geography and languages, and then on rotation enjoy a wide range of creative and technical subjects. In addition they study Life which incorporates our citizenship curriculum and finally ICT and core PE.
Delta Misson Statement
Delta Academies Trust has the mission statement “Changing Lives”, with the overarching aim being to improve educational outcomes for children in the north of England whilst creating a sustainable organisation that improves our society and the wider environment.