Pie, Peas and GCSEs
On Thursday 26th January, all of our Year 11’s along with their parents/carers are invited to a Pie & Peas evening where lots of vital GCSE information will be delivered. Our Y11’s are rapidly approaching the most important time in their school lives, and they deserve to achieve the best grades possible.
This evening will be full of information, hints, tips and guidance for our Y11 students and their parents/carers to help ensure our students achieve their best. We’ll be sharing information about the exams themselves, revision, intervention and support available. There will be an opportunity for you to speak to our subject specialists and we’ll be handing out revision guides and resources to those who attend.
We’ll also be cooking up a delicious Pie and Peas tea! Which is free for all who attend!
The event starts at 5pm and we anticipate it to last around an hour.
Please click on the following link and complete the form if you wish to attend. Thank you in advance!
Click here to complete the form.