Year 11 Easter Revision Sessions

It is now a critical period for Year 11 as their GCSE exams are fast approaching. Therefore, we are going to offer some extra revision lessons during the Easter Holidays; students have been made aware of this during their celebration assembly. It is strongly advised that students take this opportunity for guided revision as they prepare for their exams.
The revision sessions will be held on the following dates:
Date | Subject | Start Time | Finish Time |
Monday 3rd April | Maths | 10am | 12pm |
Tuesday 4th April | Science (Higher only) | 10am | 12pm |
Tuesday 11th April | Art & Photography | 9:30am | 11:30am |
Wednesday 12th April | Geography | 9am | 11am |
There is no requirement for school uniform to be worn, but all other school rules will apply during the revision sessions and if any student disrupts the learning of others they will be asked to leave.